Well, October has quietly slipped by ins ome ways and roared in others. We moved over into our new house last week so we have boxes, chaos, more flies than I can murder in one day, and some damaged furniture from the move. But, even with all that....I love the house! I have space to myself and love the wooded area we are now living in. A new discovery: turkeys do not adjust well to concrete. I watched them meander in a meadow one morning and then look like roadrunners as they scurried to the other side of the road, then meander again. It was a funny sight to see. Artwise...not much going on. My studio hasn't even gotten on my radar. Food and sleeping quarters took priority. I did have a chance to work on a series of Halloween houses for an ATC exchange tonight. I hand drew the ones above.....I don't hand draw often but it worked that I could do it while Sammi was at the gym. I hope they are well received. That's all from the new Curry abode.... HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!