I had a discussion with my sister about this painting since I always ask what the favorite house is. She picked the house with the hat and I was surprised. A conversation ensued about how there's always that house in the neighborhood that just doesn't fit. In this picture we decided it was that one, but that was her favorite just for that reason. She wanted to know why I put a Halloweenish house in the picture. I just wanted it to be a regular street with all the unique qualities of my two other streets. I guess I achieved that. Any favorites???
My favorite house is the martini glass house. It's so fun!!!
It is a fun one. I had someone in my art group give me the idea of the olives.
Very hard to choose...they're all delightful!
Blue is my favorite color, and I do love how big and roomy that 1st blue house on the left looks!
I am your newest blog follower, too! :)
All the best,
Mixed-Media Map Art
Mary...thanks for the follow. I know...that blue one is nice and roomy. I love dormers, too.
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