Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Merry! Merry! .......... 2013!

Well it is the 2nd of January and already I am tired of the little bit of snow we've had. I think I blinked and lost December somewhere between the cookie-making, decorating, welcoming Sam home, and travel back to the east coast for the holidays. We managed to see the lights at Tilles Park by carriage ride, the Christmas traditions in St. Charles, loads of Christmas light drive bys, the kiss lights in Hershey, Pennsylvania, and a wonderful candlelight service on Christmas Eve.

So now 2013 is upon us and I am trying to wrap my head around that. Sam is home for one more week so we have a few things to get done. My first class of the year is this Saturday at For Keep's Sake so I am ready to get back in the saddle. No other classes to post about yet, but don't worry, I will be keeping busy.Here's a piece of art done with USArtQuest's Studio Cloth, a must-have in my studio these days. Enjoy the art and the sentiment behind it. It's my motto for 2013.

Happy New Year from the canines!!!!

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