Tuesday, December 31, 2024



2025 Word of the Year: EVENTIDE

Eventide is my favorite time to walk, to contemplate, to dream, to wonder.  It acts as a buffer between the day that's happened and the night that's not yet here.  Often we are treated to quite a spectacular, colorful array in the sky and more often than not in my subdivision, I will see deer grazing before the moon and starts are their only light.  It's a time of peace and oneness with the universe.  I always feel so connected on these walks.   I often walk with music, but when I don't the nature sounds provide a peaceful cadence as I wander. 

In my mind's eye, eventide also has metaphorical applications that transcend just a point in a day.  It can be a transitional point in time that captures the feeling of being neither fully one thing nor another. Ambiguity is not my love language but I am learning that I can power through when necessary. The last year has taught me well.  Katherine May wrote an incredible book, Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times that spoke to me so much during the pandemic and continues to be a  framework for my days. Two of my favorites are below:

“There are gaps in the mesh of the everyday world, and sometimes they open up and you fall through them into somewhere else. Somewhere Else runs at a different pace to the here and now, where everyone else carries on. Somewhere Else is where ghosts live, concealed from view and only glimpsed by people in the real world. Somewhere Else exists at a delay, so that you can't quite keep pace. Perhaps I was already teetering on the brink of Somewhere Else anyway; but now I fell through, as simply and discreetly as dust sifting between the floorboards. I was surprised to find that I felt at home there. Winter had begun.” 

“We have seasons when we flourish and seasons when the leaves fall from us, revealing our bare bones. Given time, they grow again.” 

2025 will be another year of the in-between.  We will be relocating to the Raleigh, North Carolina area at some point after seventeen years in Missouri.  The last two months have been spent deconstructing my studio, making staging decisions,  and finding new homes for many of my favorite supplies.  I also discovered that the beginnings of my adult art journey meant so much more to me than I anticipated as I was preparing to purge.  The early days produced some tears.  At last count, I have 30+ studio boxes packed with a few left to go.  Many of my studio furnishings have gone to new homes to people who are themselves betwixt. Our daughter and son-in-law came for the holidays and helped us fill a 3,000 pound dumpster with stuff in our basements in two days after Christmas. Soon I'll start on the other rooms in the house and in February the whole house will get new flooring. The draw in Raleigh is our Sams, more oncology specialists with options/trials for me, and less extreme cold and snow.  I hear there's a nice art scene as well. In the meantime, I've packed a crate of watercolor/gouache and some cross stitch to have out while much of the rest of the house goes into storage.  Stay tuned.

The dogs are baffled as to what's going on, but all they really care about is going to class (agility training and trials) or running around like banshees.  Flapjack is now 11 months and Waffle is 4.  We'll be trialing here and then do the North Carolina circuit.  Nationals for Waffle are in Tulsa this year in March. 


Other 2025 newsworthy moments will be Jim's 40th work anniversary and our 40th anniversary trip to the Med with the Sams in May. I've been cleared to travel on this trip and am very excited. Who knows what else will come our way?  But for now, I am staying present and trying to see the smallest good and all the grace.  

“Wintering… is the courage to stare down the worst parts of our experience and to commit to healing them the best we can.”

 H A P P Y    N E W     Y E A R 

and may 2025 be a wonderful year.  



Thursday, May 11, 2023

The Scenic Route


Happy May!

It's a whirlwind in the Curry household as we count down the last month until our daughter's wedding in Bermuda, but I am taking a breather to share with you my latest stencils from StencilGirl.  The three releases are part of a collection I am calling The Scenic Route and all three stencils have been recreated from my original watercolor paintings.   Floral Carpet, Sojourn, and Solitary Tree  showcase particular moments in time that stay in my memoy from the last decade.  Along with some inspiration projects on how to use these stencils, I also included the original painting in the sample area. Join me directly here or  as I introduce the series and entertain you with a watercolor video tutorial.  It's always a pleasure designing for StencilGirl and I very much appreciate the opportunities to share my story through my art. 

  Solitary Tree         

Floral Carpet


I've been very lax during the last couple of years keeping up with this blog.  I promise I am still enjoying my studio practice and do a much better job posting my art on Instagram.  My store is now on my website here. To keep up to date with new releases, go here for my low volume newsletter. 

I'll check in once again after our wedding extravanganza. 

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers, mentors, and nurturers.



Tuesday, June 14, 2022

I Must Have Flowers, Always and Always


It's a busy week here for me following a busy last two months.  We finally got to go to our trip through Holland and Belgium and managed not to get Covid.  I only took about 300 tulip pictures and 200+ canal views.  I didn't want to forget a thing.  It was a fabulous trip.  On the heels of that trip, we came back to celebrate Sammi's birthday and prepare for guests in late May.  In between,  I fit in a ton of art, getting prints made, my StencilGirl blog post, lots of housecleaning (aka decluttering), and some sniffles that may or may not have been Covid.  Five negative tests but I had all the symptoms. Then, the moment came.....

Because we're going to the chapel
And we're gonna to get married...

Now I'm even in a bigger flower mood!!!

I am exploring many different flowers with different points of view all this year. Today I am on the ®StencilGirl blog with a different take on florals (and some abstracts) done with alcohol inks and gesso on an interesting substrate.  There is a video that should give you all you need to know.  I will want to explore this further.  

I have a five day long sale going on right now in my store.  Your code for it is JUNESALE (highly original, I know), but if you've already signed up for  my newsletter, you've had a different code mailed to you.  There is a new and now tab on the front page for new prints, but the entire site is on sale.  Quantities are limited so take an early gander if you're intrigued.  

Stay cool this summer.  I'll be back before you know it!!!!


Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Heart and Soul

 It's the day after Valentine's, but we are still celebrating those we love and have loved in our lives.  I did this project for StencilGirl® in late January but as you can tell, I was already looking to this special day.  Truth be told, I adore hearts all year round.  This is just an excuse to have some fun with a shape I already love.  It's linked above should you want to see how and why this musical-themed series came about.


We are in the doldrums of winter here in St. Louis.  While we've had some crisp, blue sky days sprinkled in, we've also had some snow events and will have yet another one later this week.  It's been a busy January and partial February deadline-wise  so I have hunkered down most of the time.  We did have an outing in late January to see Justin Willman here in town.  I love his magic and it did lift the winter blah spirits.  We were also all in the football state of mind. Or should I say minds?  We all supported different teams and the Bengals were the last team standing until this past Sunday.  





I've been having a great time with the #28februaryflowers challenge.  This is my third year participating and I am enjoying varying my media and point of view.  I'll be posting those on my Instagram (more detail) and my Facebook biz page.  Some may be available to purchase later this year.  To stay up to date with my sales/classes, follow my low volume mailing list here.  I also began the #100dayproject his week.  It was hard to decide on my topic, but I decided yesterday on visual texture.  I'll be posting those pieces in the same places as mentioned above.  


We are hoping to finally go on our river cruise to see the tulips in April.  Time will tell if Covid allows it this year.  It's our third attempt!  Other than that, I'll be in my studio most of the time.  I will be doing in-person classes when possible this year so again, get on my email list for up to the date info on that.  See you soon here or there!  



Tuesday, October 12, 2021

The October Muse

  “I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”— L. M. Montgomery

I find the changing of this season to be a delight. I am always taken aback by the majesty of the colors when we get them and am hoping this year is the perfect year. We’ll know in a couple of weeks. This year I am especially excited about October because I am gradually reentering my life. Each week I get to do a little more and I’m able to drive now. I’ve been in the studio a couple of times and am waiting for the go ahead to get out of my brace so I can be in there more. 

I’ve been well taken care of by the boys and have been able to produce a fair amount of art. Sales have been brisk the last few weeks, too, and I’m very grateful for that. My art table has been tiny, but mighty. 

Luckily, my wheelhouse is small format  I’ve had a lot of time to play and paint and my subject matter has been varied. 

Today, I am happy to say that this project will be on StencilGirl Talk. I did do it after the surgery in small increments. I hope you’ll go over and check it out!


Thanks so much for your support and encouragement. It always means a lot to me.



Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Life in Pieces



L I F E    I N    P I E C E S

"When art imitates life. I am really happy to be back on the StencilGirl blog with projects that are out of my wheelhouse and even happier that I was able to get the projects finished well before my StencilGirl team deadline and my surgery date.  These larger sheets don't lose their interest when sized down and put together for a series of wall art pieces. Even though I'm known for smaller format work, it was exhilarating working with so much real estate.  Head over there to see the process and definitely watch the slideshow.

I'm a week out of meniscus root tear repair and so far it's been a humbling experience.  I am largely sedentary for the next six to eight weeks.  No one is sure how or why this occurred but I had mentally named this project before that moment in late June.  I had some teaching responsibilities that I wanted to attend so I spent July working ahead and prepping for Cincinnati.  The day before the surgery I packed a tote with substrates, watercolor and alcohol inks that I hope to pop open in the coming days.  So far I've only managed some Procreate art made out of my paintings and sketches.  Stay tuned.  In the meantime, you'll be treated to some work I completed in July/early August including the new crop of ornaments.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

2021: Still in the Covid Abyss



Golly, we're in February and the world is still turned on it's back and kicking and screaming.  I hope this entry finds you navigating the next evolution of Covid and that some of you have even had your first vaccine.  I'm on many lists but the lists are huge so until then, I hang out a lot in my studio and do art.  It's the safest place for me.  And keeping busy is mentally the best for me.  February is a busy month with lots to get involved with.  I'm working on three challenges at once, two old ones and one new one.  This is my fourth 100 Day Project and my second #28februaryflowers.  This year my focus of the 100 Day Project will be #100daysofwatercolor so many of my florals will be watercolor also.  The third challenge is #pyh2021 or Paint Yourself Happy and is all watercolor theme explorations.   I have some other commissions so I don't guarantee participating in all three everyday, but I'll do my darnedest.  All of my pieces will be in real time on my Instagram

HOT OFF THE PRESS:  I was again given the opportunity to do a feature project for StencilGirl  so I put together a non-watercolor piece called "Jungle Love".  It's here for you to enjoy.  Here's a teaser snippet.

I can't say enough how much I've enjoyed Creative Jumpstart this year.  The projects have been amazing and very doable.  You can deep dive into them or just try some of the ideas.  I can honestly say that I've learned a lot.  I'm sorry it is coming to a live end.  But it's not too late to watch the 45 videos and over 8 hours of video.  Go here to find out more. Videos are downloadable and are available until November 2021.  It is not too late.  Here's a recent photo of a piece I did after it was my project day.  I'm really happy with it.  I don't have it anymore but here it is for posterity. Happy early Valentine's Day to all.

Thursday, December 31, 2020



If you've followed me for a while, you already know my wordsmithing passion. When it's time to decide my focus for the new year, I mull over many choices.  Usually one comes to the forefront during the mulling period and when this one did, it surprised me.  Yet is a small but powerful word.  It can be applied in many circumstances, positive and negative.  Who can forget the "Are we there yet" from the backseat of the car or in my case, out of my mouth in the car?  Merriam-Webster has two entries for yet.  It can be a conjunction substituting for but.  I remember those papers where teachers said that my verbiage was redundant.  I'm sure that at some point I substituted yet. Studying the dictionary, the far more interesting usage is as an adverb and that's how it spoke to me as I leaned in to what I want out of my 2021 life. Don't worry.  I am not going back to my roots to present an English usage review, but I was interested in how such a little word can change how you think about something.  In 2021 I am looking to yet as a door to possibility rather than a focus on the fact that something hasn't happened.  This way of framing may teach me some patience in my artful and personal life.  Yet will be a precipice of sorts in my head. Something out of current reach but not completely out of the realm of possibility.  I'm going to try that thinking on for 2021. It's a little word as I said, but little words can pack quite a mental punch either way.   I'll let you know how it goes.  I'd love to hear what your words are so please comment back any time. 

A hearty thank you to all of you who came to my online sale.  It was the most successful one since I started selling this way.  I loved sending art to other continents.  I still can't believe that happened.  My show I spoke about in the last entry has done well considering the lockdown situation here and I am happy that so many originals went to people not only in Missouri, but in other parts of the country.  I was so honored to be part of Green Door's Signs and Wonders exhibit. Check out their site to see the resident artists' works.  They are fabulous.

Today is the last day to get the December reduced rate for Creative Jumpstart.  It starts tomorrow.  Holy Moly. I've talked about it for a month but if you want to get in at the reduced rate,  click on that link.  It will blow your mind.  

Well, I must get ready for dinner and champagne.  I leave you with a hearty thank you for supporting me and enjoying my art, my poodles, my ramblings, etc.  I appreciate all of you.  



Monday, November 30, 2020

Everything Happens at Once

 It's the last day of November and not only was this a holiday week, it's also a week with small business and cyber sales galore and announcements ....drumroll, please.


I'm so excited to announce that I'll be teaching with Creative JumpStart (CJS) 2021 again. This year CJSis celebrating its 10th Anniversary and is bigger than ever! If you're not familiar with CJS, it's a one-of a-kind knock-your-socks-off online workshop hosted by Nathalie Kalbach, designed to kick your creativity into high gear in the New Year. 

Beginning January 1st, each day a new video lesson will go live in the classroom. As this is the special 10th Anniversary edition, CJS includes 45 different mixed media artists and videos will go up through February 14th. Participants get access to 45 downloadable videos from 45 featured artists, called “JumpStarters.”

You'll learn techniques, discover new materials, and connect with other artists and crafters. I am always blown away at the different points of view and styles.  It’s quite an international crowd, too, and that in itself broadens perspective. I've thoroughly enjoyed every year I've participated at any capacity. I alsolove that so many of the participants showcase their own work as they are trying out the techniques.  It's not required, of course, but it does seem to become contagious and the inspiration flows.

Here's a little preview of what you can expect:

With Creative JumpStart 2021 you will get 45 videos - over 8 hours worth of video content. It is just $49 USD if you sign up today until 11:59 pm EST. Yes, it is just $49.00 for today.  Afterwards it will be $59 USD through December 4th, 2020, and $69 USD until December 31st 2020, before it goes to its normal sale price of $89 USD on January 1st 2021. Here's my special link to head on over to Nathalie's site to sign up and learn more: https://nathaliesstudio.com/learn/online-workshops/?wpam_id=61

                                                                                                                 You'll be glad you did!!!!!   


CJS21 Trailer from Nathalie Kalbach on Vimeo.


I launched my yearly sale to thank all of my collectors, supporters, enthusiasts and friends near and far on Saturday and it runs until Friday.  This year I have a huge collection of pandemic originals and new prints joining my Bird Brains series, watercolors, and alcohol ink in different genres. I loaded videos showing my new and returning work on YouTube here: 

The sale itself is taking place over on my Facebook business page and below are the direct links to the two sale albums.  Something new this year is the extra sale I'm offering to you with additional % discounts for multiple print purchases.  Everyone needs something fabulous during this long roller coaster we've been on this year.  Just comment sold and I'll find you with the shipping details. If the print you like is sold out, comment that you'd like to be on the waiting list for one when I print again in December.  You will still get the sale price.  Below is a mini sneak peek of some new prints.  Merry Merry!!

                                PRINTS SALE                                      ORIGINALS SALE


Come Together


I also have a large wall at the Green Door Gallery's Stars and Wonders exhibition for one more month. The work is all Citra-based mixed media and I had a blast during partial lockdown pushing the envelope and really seeing what else I could do with the organic process.  The gallery will ship so if you want to see the originals that are in the show and get more info, check out this photo and close up video.  Message me for any details. 



StencilGirl is having a whale of a sale.  Head on over and get in on the freebies and unbelievable sale prices

FINAL TIDBITS ........................  FINAL TIDBITS

 PANDEMIC PUPPY ALERT:  If you haven't already met him, this is Waffle.  He joined big bros, Angus and Tucker on August 10th.  Yes, we now have three standard poodles.  Insanity. Chaos.  Mayhem.  And much love.  Healthwise, currently all my doctors think I am cancer free.  I will continue on my regimen for as long as they tell me to.  The side effects are off putting, but I am grateful that I feel the most normal in my studio.  The family is doing well and staying as safe as we can during this endless roller coaster of a pandemic.  It has been wonderful having the Sams here with us, although I don't think Jim and I are exactly rousing company sometime.  I imagine it's been a tough year for all who will read this. I wish all of you a more peaceful, normalized life as we head towards a vaccine in 2021.  

xoxo,  Nancy