Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Windy City Report

I had a great time in Chicago last weekend and will look forward to returning. This week has not brought much art at all, although I am diligently working on my calendar for the month. I had to upload this piece from my demo in the resist class. It never ceases to amaze me how breaking up a design can really "make" it into what it should have been in the first place. The hand lettered quote at the bottom really sums it all up! Now I have used that phrase on the last two blogs. I think I have a theme.

Thanks to all who took my classes and I will let you know if a stamp company ever wants to use my handwriting for one of their fonts!!!! You gals rocked and so did the Moon. Those going to Chicago shouldn't miss a trip to Carolina Moon.........I'll be back in October. Below is my current schedule for the rest of the year:

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