Well, it is the Friday night before Halloween and lo and behold, my plan is to watch "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown with Sammi. I love to relive those childhood favorite moments and this year it worked out that we were home from the gym to do it together. Fall has definitely hit here in Cincy, along with the rain and dreariness. I teach here locally tomorrow at Stamp Your Art Out and then will be taking a break for the holidays and throughout most of her competing season that begins in January. It's hard to believe that the holiday season is almost upon us, but knowing that our time changes tomorrow night, makes it a done deal. Last weekend we went to a corn field and went through a haunted maze. Yes, the ones with the chainsaws and zombies. I have been through indoor haunted places, but have never been outdoors in the dark, cold and seemingly evil field. It definitely ramped the scare up a notch. I worked on this Halloween card the next day. Enjoy!!!!!!